SimplyWhy: The Stories Behind Our Outcomes

Everyone has a reason – a motivator for why they do what they do.

By: Bailey Gerber & Jake Hreha

Everyone has a reason – a motivator for why they do what they do. No one is born a philanthropist, entrepreneur, athlete, author, professor, or celebrity. Our “why”s shape every decision we make and lay the groundwork for who we’ll become. At Indiana Wesleyan University, we’re interested in those “why”s, so we’re launching a podcast that allows us to explore some of them.

SimplyWhy is a deep-dive into the stories behind our outcomes. Our guests share the choices that changed their lives, the paths that led them where they are – and, of course, the “why” at the heart of it all. In this podcast, you’ll hear from some of society’s most successful influencers as they tell of their stories, experiences, and lessons learned.

Finding your why became a popular topic of discussion thanks to Simon Sinek and other business leaders. It helped start the discussion of why we need to dig deep and think more meaningfully about our lives and our work. We have a greater purpose than earning more money, accepting the status quo, and living the way the world tells us. Our life's work is derived from our core values and the positive impact we have beyond business outcomes.

Pursuing meaning in your life and work is important for your well being. Meaningful work gives you a strong sense of satisfaction, helps you focus on your impact, and helps you provide the best life for you and your family. While financial security is important and not something to ignore, the vast majority of people do not find fulfillment and meaning in their work. When work becomes draining people are more likely to struggle with their mental health which can lead to drug and alcohol abuse. This is just one of the many reasons finding your why is important.

Real life is tough and it's important to stick to your core values when hard moments come. When you know your true identity it's easier to work through challenging times with a crystal clear knowledge of who created you and why your life is important. Knowing your why helps you gain new perspectives when facing challenges and find common threads of how your faith gives you hope through life.

Finding your why gives you driving force in everything you do. It helps in the short term when facing a tough project in school or work and the long term when raising a family. Knowing your why helps you find success in unordinary ways. You can give time to more people, can answer questions about how you live your life, and can impact others on a personal level. When you live by your why you inspire your friends and your community. It goes beyond being productive and ultimately gives meaning you can identify in all situations.

If you need some inspiration, SimplyWhy is for you – whether you’re thinking about starting a degree, preparing to graduate, searching for your dream job, or still deciding on your next steps. We’re inviting you to evaluate your own motivations and discover more about your own “why”s as you hear the stories of others.

Our first guest is IWU’s newly elected president, Dr. Jonathan Kulaga. You can tune in to hear him explain how his first job as a youth pastor eventually led him to a career in higher education. He also shares about his love for C.S. Lewis and his vision for the future of IWU.

In the coming months, SimplyWhy will host nationally renowned educators, entrepreneurs, authors, and more to take a deeper look at the driving forces behind their accomplishments. Guests will talk about the choices that changed their lives and the goals they have for the future – and they’ll offer the tidbits of wisdom they’ve collected along the way. To learn more about the podcast, listen to the SimplyWhy trailer.

Don’t miss the stories behind the outcomes. Join us for SimplyWhy, wherever you get your podcasts:

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Bailey Gerber

Content Creator, IWU-National and Global

Bailey Gerber is a vocabulary geek and grammar enthusiast at IWU – National and Global, so she spends most of her time writing and reviewing webpages, video scripts, flyers, and – of course – blog articles. She loves all things involving words, and in her spare time you’ll find her buried in a book (probably with a cup of coffee in hand).

Jake Hreha

SEO Copywriter, IWU

Jake Hreha is a graduate of Ball State University, where he majored in advertising with a concentration in media presentation and design. He is passionate about design, and in his free time he enjoys cycling, traveling, and reading.

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