Indiana Wesleyan University Announces Perfect NCLEX Pass Rate for Nursing Graduates

July 16, 2024 (Marion, IN) — Indiana Wesleyan University is proud to announce an outstanding achievement by its Pre-licensure Nursing program. According to the official results released by the State Board of Nursing on July 1, 2024, IWU’s nursing graduates have achieved a 100% pass rate on the NCLEX RN exam for the first half of the year. Even more remarkable, this feat was accomplished by 76 first-time test takers and highlights the dedication and hard work of both the students and the faculty.
The university’s unwavering commitment to excellence in nursing education fosters an environment of academic rigor and compassionate care. Dr. Rob Dawson, Professor of Nursing and Dean of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences says, “As we embark on 50 years of Nursing Education at IWU, the excellent NCLEX-RN pass rate is a testament to IWU’s ongoing commitment to developing the next generation of Christ-centered nurses in character, scholarship, and leadership. We celebrate the achievement of our nursing graduates and congratulate the faculty and staff for their diligent investment in our students.”
The nursing program at IWU remains a top program year-after-year for the university and attracts students with their transcultural experience options. IWU President Dr. Jon Kulaga stated, “Our nursing program makes me proud, and this perfect pass rate proves the academic rigor of our program that prepares a broad range of learners for success. We can say this for so many programs at our university. It’s never been a better time to study at IWU.”
IWU looks forward to more of the same success in the on-campus Pre-licensure RN program. If you would like to know more about the Nursing program at IWU or want to join a cohort of students to realize your own success, visit