Fusion: Past and Present

The History of One of IWU’s Biggest Events
By Malachi Nutter
Student Youth Ministry Leaders
When Fusion first began in the spring of 1972, it consisted of just a handful of Marion College students who felt God pushing them towards youth ministry. They felt God was calling them to minister to young people, spreading God's word to the teenagers of not just Marion, but the United States as a whole. They hoped youth leaders would bring their teenagers to Indiana Wesleyan University if the school hosted a youth ministry conference. This would give the students the chance to have fun but also help them to grow spiritually by giving them an opportunity to deepen their faith and grow more connected to the church.
The college students who were leading this came from a variety of backgrounds and contexts, and while there weren’t very many of them, they still had a sense the youth conference they were planning would have a lasting impact and God would use it in ways beyond their wildest hopes. Through Fusion, the message of Jesus Christ has been spread further and young people across the country have been able to grow in their faith and their ability as leaders.
Growth and Development of a Youth Ministry
While the initial youth conference was itself a success, the subsequent five decades have seen this annual tradition grow exponentially. Indeed, not only has it had an impact on the lives of generations of students, but many of Fusion’s leaders over the years have been people who once attended Fusion themselves. The ministry has reached more than 95,000 students over the years and has also raised up new leaders organically, keeping student leadership as a fundamental element of the event.
Over the course of Fusion’s history, well-known Christian artists and speakers have been featured at both the main event and the concert held as part of it—Switchfoot, For King & Country, Crowder, and more.
Fusion has changed as much as the university has, its structure and size shifting as Marion College has grown into the IWU we know today. And yet over the years the commitment to youth ministry at the heart of the event has remained as strong as ever.
Never2Young—IWU's Annual Youth Group Event for Middle Schoolers
As it has seen more and more success in reaching out to high schoolers, Fusion has also been able to serve as the inspiration for a second youth ministry opportunity called Never2Young—a ministry which is specifically dedicated to middle school students, and which has been enjoyed by close to 30,000 teenagers over its almost three-decade long history.
The Most Challenging Year for Every Youth Ministry Leader
Arguably the hardest year in the history of both Fusion and Never2Young was 2020. Due to the COVID pandemic, the concept of having either event at all seemed foolhardy.
Even so, a group of student leaders were once again able to come together and, through careful consideration and planning, were able to find a way to ensure the event could still occur. Fusion 2020 featured a youth minister from Australia, recorded testimonies, and more—serving as a live virtual event for over 7,000 students.
While it certainly was far from what would have been preferred, the student leaders persevered and created the best event they could under difficult circumstances. The following year Fusion and Never2Young were able to return to normal, rebounding from this great historical challenge with great strength.
Fusion & Never2Young in 2025
This year’s Fusion will be held at Indiana Wesleyan University's Marion campus on April 4 and 5. As usual, this year’s concert will be open to the public—from children to adults. Featured artists will include KB, Bethel Worship, and DJ Iman.
This will then be followed by the remainder of Fusion, which will occur over the rest of the weekend and feature large group sessions, campus activities, worship, and a variety of seminar options. More information about the event can be found at indwes.edu/fusion.
Never2Young will be held the following month, on May 2 and 3. More information about this event can be found at indwes.edu/academics/youth-ministry-events/never2young.