Top 5 Reasons to Get a Certificate in Christian Ministry Formation

Top 5 Reasons to Get a Certificate in Christian Ministry Formation

Between associate degrees and other academic degrees, certificate programs can often get overlooked

What is a Certificate in Christian Ministry Formation, anyway?

While associate, bachelor, and master level programs are all helpful degrees, oftentimes two-to-four years can be a sizable investment of time - not to mention the cost which can be attached to the completion of a full degree. 

For people who are not ready to commit to such a lengthy program, certificates offer invaluable services which can be essential for those trying to research and explore the possibility of a lengthier program, or for those who determine that a lower-level credential is adequate for their particular business or personal needs. 

When it comes to a certificate in Christian Ministry Formation specifically, there are many ways in which it can be incredibly helpful. 

1. It helps with missionary work

In the gospel, Christ called believers to go out and make disciples across the whole world. While full-time missionary work is not a career path every person is called to, those whom God is calling can greatly benefit by earning a certificate in Christian Ministry Formation. 

Through careful biblical study, a deepened knowledge of theology and general faith practices, and more, a certificate program can provide many useful resources and skills for someone interested in possibly engaging with the mission field in a serious way. 

What better way to prepare to take part in Christ's greatest mission than to grow stronger in your faith?

2. Certificate programs offer unique opportunities

On a professional level, students who have completed certification can expect to find new opportunities across a variety of careers.

One example is leadership within local churches, wherein one's expertise in discipleship development could be beneficial in helping other members of the congregation achieve a strong faith. 

While there is a sizable difference between certification qualifications and a degree, many institutions across your field of industry will still find a certificate to be a valuable part of your resume. 

3. It equips you to be able to help lead in your church

By completing a certificate program in Christian Ministry Formation, you will be better equipped to participate in your local church. 

Whether you simply attend or serve in a leadership role within the church, a certificate level education can be priceless in helping you to better contribute to your church, allowing the body to be as strong as possible. 

4. It gives the opportunity to grow your faith in an academic environment

While all Christians are called to grow their faith as much as possible, the distractions of life can make it incredibly easy to become stagnant in one's faith. Additionally, a lack of strong discipleship can further contribute to a faith that grows weaker over time. 

One of the benefits of a certificate program is its flexibility as it allows Christians to engage with their faith in an academic program setting while not demanding the same extent of time which a full-time study program would require. 

Finally, while not everyone is called to be ministers and pastors, the benefits of certification in Christian Ministry Formation can still be useful for both your family and the rest of the families in your personal faith network. 

5. It can help when trying to get a bachelor's degree or a graduate degree

Regardless of your specific discipline, if you are wanting to potentially complete a bachelor or master program, the courses and general curriculum offered by a certificate program can be relevant in providing the skills necessary to truly excel during a full university education. Additionally, when pursuing higher education at a university where you have already done a certificate program, it is far easier to know instructor expectations and can offer invaluable practice for further classes with both these instructors and others.

Sign up for IWU's Certificate of Christian Ministry Formation program today...

Registration for Indiana Wesleyan University's Certificate of Christian Ministry Formation can be found here:

...Or pursue a bachelor's or master's degree

The full list of online and in-person programs offered by Indiana Wesleyan University can be found here:

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